Dimecres 7.de novembre 5 Alumnes de 2n batxillerat i 2 Professores, partim a Estònia dins la primera mobilitat del Projecte Comenius, Programa en el que el nostre Institut està integrat per dos cursos.
En aquest muntatge podeu veure els països participants:
[cincopa AAPArBLk7Ag0]
Per a saber com està aquest fet entre nosaltres, hem passat un qüestionari a tots els Alumnes d’ESO i Batxillerat, que adjuntam i quan tinguem acabat l’análisi i conclusions ho farem públic.
Nationality: ……………………………………………………………….
In which country and city were you born? …………………………………………………………………
Where do you live —? (city) …………………………………………………………………………………
Where are your parents from? Mother: …………………………Father: ……………………………
Do your parents speak Spanish or Catalan at home? Spanish Catalan
Are all of your grandparents Spanish? Yes No
If NO, what’s their nationality? …………………………………………………………….
If NO, Do your grandparents speak Spanish or Catalan? Spanish Catalan
Do you have any foreign friends who live in Menorca? Yes No
How many non-Spanish people are there in Menorca? less than 40% more than 40%
Who are the largest minority groups in Menorca? Choose 2
British Romanian German Bolivian Moroccan Philippine Ecuadorian Others: …………………………………………………………..
What is your attitude towards minority groups in Menorca? Choose 1
They make our culture richer
I don’t care what they do.
They have to integrate into our society, learn our language and follow our traditions.
What do you think? Choose 1
It is more difficult for Minorcans to find a job.
It is more difficult for minority groups to find a job.
I don’t think there’s any difference really.
Why do you think that? Choose 1
a. Because they are less qualified
b. Because they take our jobs
c. Because we all have the same rights
12. If you want write your opinion in Spanish or Catalan about Immigration:
De moment, a part de repassar el nostre anglès, estam aprenent a les deveres un petit vocabulari d’emergència en estoni ambel que també us podeu entretenir i si qualcú el vol sentir parlar pot anar a la següent web: